jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Very Deep CNN (19conv) first convolution filters 3D visualization

These are the filters of the first convolution layer of the very deep Convolutional Neural Network from Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman available in the webpage www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/very_deep/ The authors have available an arXiv version of a paper in http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556

They got the 1st position for the localization task and the 2nd position in the classification task in ImageNet Challenge 2014. In order to get these results they evaluated different architectures with an increasing depth. This is the projection of the first convolutional layer filters in the RGB colorspace. Click on the images to see a 3D representation of the filters components.

As in the Alexnet example we can do a linear transformation of the original RGB channels and visualize the same colors in the YUV colorspace. In this case the distribution of the points is not that clean and it seems that the distribution of the colours is more spread. This could be because the number of weights is very reduced 64x3x3x3 + 64 = 1792, compared to Alexnet 96x3x11x11 +96 = 34944.

If you find these interesting you can take a look at the results in my Master Thesis: webpage or the pdf and do not hesitate to ask me any question.

miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

Alexnet first convolution filters 3D visualization

This are the filters of the first convolution layer of Alexnet network. If we look at them, they seem to be interested in luminance patterns (black-gray-white filters) and chrominance patterns (only the colour part without the black-gray-white component). This means that at the beginning the filters are specialized on this two typical situations and after that in the next convolution layer they could be appropriately merged.

To illustrate that, this is the projection of each pixel of the filters (they are really weight vectors with three components red-green-blue). Click on the images to see a 3D representation of the filters components.

If we apply a transformation to YUV colorspace; also known as YCbCr for digital images. We can see that the Y component (luminance) nearly gets their own axis while UV components (chrominance) are strongly correlated but slightly uncorrelated with the Y component. This means that they could be separated without any problem when training a CNN.

If you find these interesting you can take a look at the results in my Master Thesis: webpage or the pdf and do not hesitate to ask me any question.

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

Alexnet Graphviz visualization

Visualization of Alexnet using Graphviz. The example is a PNG as Blogger does not accept vectorial images like SVG or PDF. However, with the code below it is possible to generate a PDF calling the program "dot" with the next command:
dot -Tpdf alexnet.gv -o alexnet.pdf
# or an SVG
dot -Tsvg alexnet.gv -o alexnet.svg


// ================================================= //
// Author: Miquel Perello Nieto                      //
// Web:    www.perellonieto.com                      //
// Email:  miquel.perellonieto at aalto dot fi       //
// ================================================= //
// This is an example to create Alexnet Convolutional Neural Network
// using the opensource tool Graphviz.
// Tested with version:
//      2.36.0 (20140111.2315)
// To generate the graph as a PDF just run:
//      dot -Tpdf alexnet.gv -o alexnet.pdf
// One think to have in mind is that the order of the nodes definition modifies
// nodes position.

digraph Alexnet {
    // ================================== //
    //  GRAPH OPTIONS                     //
    // ================================== //

    // From Top to Bottom

    // Tittle possition: top
    // Tittle

    // ================================== //
    //  NODE SHAPES                       //
    // ================================== //
    // There is a shape and color description for each node
    // of the graph.
    // It can be specified individually per node:
    //      first_node [shape=circle, color=blue];
    // Or for a group of nodes if specified previously:
    //      node [shape=circle, color=blue];
    //      first_node;
    //      second_node;

    // Data node
    // =========

    data [shape=box3d, color=black];

    // Label node
    // =========

    label [shape=tab, color=black];

    // Loss function node
    // ==================

    loss [shape=component, color=black];

    // Convolution nodes
    // =================
    // All convolutions are a blue inverted trapezoid

    node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled];
    // Splitted layer 2
    // ================
    //  Layers with separated convolutions need to be in subgraphs
    //  This is because we want arrows from individual nodes but
    //  we want to consider all of them as a unique layer.

    subgraph layer2 {
        // Convolution nodes
        node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled];
        node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled];

    // Splitted layer 4
    // ================

    subgraph layer4 {
        // Convolution nodes
        node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled];
        node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled];

    // Splitted layer 5
    // ================

    subgraph layer5 {
        // Convolution nodes
        node [shape=invtrapezium, fillcolor=lightblue, style=filled];
        // Rectified Linear Unit nodes
        node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled];

    // Rectified Linear Unit nodes
    // ============================
    // RELU nodes are green squares

    node [shape=Msquare, fillcolor=darkolivegreen2, style=filled];

    // Pooling nodes
    // =============
    // All pooling nodes are orange inverted triangles

    node [shape=invtriangle, fillcolor=orange, style=filled];

    // Normalization nodes
    // ===================
    // All normalization nodes are gray circles inside a bigger circle
    // (it reminds me a 3 dimmensional Gaussian looked from top)

    node [shape=doublecircle, fillcolor=grey, style=filled];

    // Fully connected layers
    // ======================
    // All fully connected layers are salmon circles

    node [shape=circle, fillcolor=salmon, style=filled];

    // Drop Out nodes
    // ==============
    // All DropOut nodes are purple octagons

    node [shape=tripleoctagon, fillcolor=plum2, style=filled];

    // ================================== //
    //  ARROWS                            //
    // ================================== //
    // There is a color and possible a label for each
    // arrow in the graph.
    // Also, some nodes has connections going in and
    // going out.
    // The color can be specified individually per arrow:
    // first_node -> second_node [color=blue, style=bold,label="one to two"];
    // Or for a group of nodes if specified previously:
    //  edge [color=blue];
    //  first_node -> second_node;
    //  second_node -> first_node;
    //  second_node -> third_node;

    // LAYER 1

    data -> conv1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 96, kernel = 11, stride = 4"];

    edge [color=darkolivegreen2];
    conv1 -> relu1;
    relu1 -> conv1;

    conv1 -> norm1 [color=grey, style=bold,label="local_size = 5, alpha = 0.0001, beta = 0.75"];
    norm1 -> pool1 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"];

    pool1 -> conv2_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 256, kernel = 5, pad = 2"];
    pool1 -> conv2_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold];

    // LAYER 2

    edge [color=darkolivegreen2];
    conv2_1 -> relu2_1;
    conv2_2 -> relu2_2;
    relu2_1 -> conv2_1;
    relu2_2 -> conv2_2;

    conv2_1 -> norm2 [color=grey, style=bold,label="local_size = 5, alpha = 0.0001, beta = 0.75"];
    conv2_2 -> norm2 [color=grey, style=bold];
    norm2 -> pool2 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"];

    pool2 -> conv3 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 384, kernel = 3, pad = 1"];

    // LAYER 3

    conv3 -> relu3 [color=darkolivegreen2];
    relu3 -> conv3 [color=darkolivegreen2];

    conv3 -> conv4_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold,label="out = 384, kernel = 3, pad = 1"];
    conv3 -> conv4_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold];

    // LAYER 4

    edge [color=darkolivegreen2];
    conv4_1 -> relu4_1;
    relu4_1 -> conv4_1;
    conv4_2 -> relu4_2;
    relu4_2 -> conv4_2;

    conv4_1 -> conv5_1 [color=lightblue, style=bold, label="out = 256, kernel = 3, pad = 1"];
    conv4_2 -> conv5_2 [color=lightblue, style=bold];

    // LAYER 5

    edge [color=darkolivegreen2];
    conv5_1 -> relu5_1;
    relu5_1 -> conv5_1;
    conv5_2 -> relu5_2;
    relu5_2 -> conv5_2;

    conv5_1 -> pool5 [color=orange, style=bold,label="pool = MAX, kernel = 3, stride = 2"];
    conv5_2 -> pool5 [color=orange, style=bold];

    pool5 -> fc6 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 4096"];
    fc6 -> relu6 [color=darkolivegreen2];
    relu6 -> fc6 [color=darkolivegreen2];
    fc6 -> drop6 [color=plum2, style=bold,label="dropout_ratio = 0.5"];
    drop6 -> fc6 [color=plum2];

    // LAYER 6

    fc6 -> fc7 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 4096"];

    // LAYER 7

    fc7 -> relu7 [color=darkolivegreen2];
    relu7 -> fc7 [color=darkolivegreen2];
    fc7 -> drop7 [color=plum2, style=bold,label="dropout_ratio = 0.5"];
    drop7 -> fc7 [color=plum2];

    fc7 -> fc8 [color=salmon, style=bold,label="out = 1000"];

    // LAYER 8

    edge [color=black]
    fc8 -> loss;
    label -> loss;

If you find these interesting you can take a look at the results in my Master Thesis: webpage or the pdf and do not hesitate to ask me any question.

Upper triangular matrix

Function to get the index of a matrix that is storing the upper triangular part of a square matrix.
I found this function in the bottom source, but I had to add the offset.

source: original function without offset


In [1]:
def upper_triangular_index(n, r, c, k=0):
    Returns the index of an array that is storing an
    upper triangular matrix. In this case the matrix
    has to be square and only accepts zero or possitive
    n = square matrix length
    r = actual row
    c = actual column
    k = diagonal possitive offset
    return (n*r-k)+c-((r*(r+1))/2)-r*k

Some examples

In [2]:
import numpy as np
In [3]:
N = 3
keys = range(N)
matrix = np.ones((N,N), dtype=int)*-1

Small example without offset

In [4]:
for key1 in keys:
    for key2 in keys:
        if key1+offset <= key2:
            matrix[key1,key2] = \
                upper_triangular_index(N, key1, 
                                       key2, k=offset)
print matrix
[[ 0  1  2]
 [-1  3  4]
 [-1 -1  5]]

Small example with offset = 1

In [5]:
matrix = np.ones((N,N), dtype=int)*-1
for key1 in keys:
    for key2 in keys:
        if key1+offset <= key2:
            matrix[key1,key2] = \
                upper_triangular_index(N, key1, 
                                       key2, k=offset)
print matrix
[[-1  0  1]
 [-1 -1  2]
 [-1 -1 -1]]

Large example with offset = 3

In [6]:
N = 9
keys = range(N)
matrix = np.ones((N,N), dtype=int)*-1
In [7]:
for key1 in keys:
    for key2 in keys:
        if key1+offset <= key2:
            matrix[key1,key2] = \
              upper_triangular_index(N, key1, 
                                     key2, k=offset)
print matrix
[[-1 -1 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1  6  7  8  9 10]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11 12 13 14]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15 16 17]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 18 19]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 20]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]
 [-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1]]